OHR Meir Magical

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Dreams Happen! ORLANDO

This year a new group of amazing children and teens will set out to Orlando for the trip of a lifetime. This isn’t just another trip to Orlando. It is a VIP version of the best of Orlando, closely monitored by a team of leading doctors and nurses, serving the kids who need it most.

Magical Toy

Magical Toy Store

A pop-up Magical Toy Store springs to life transforming a 30,000 ft venue into every kid’s dream come true.! As the doors fly open, children adorned with face paint excitedly rush towards their shopping carts or leap onto the checkout counters!

OHR Meir Cruisers
The Ohr Meir Foundation provides cancer patients in remission with a unique, four-day, kosher Disney cruise to Paradise Island. Aboard the ship, the “Ohr Meir Cruzers” (as they are affectionately dubbed by the ship’s staff) enjoy Glatt Kosher meals and exclusive VIP treatment.
OHR Meir Cruisers
The Ohr Meir Foundation provides cancer patients in remission with a unique, four-day, kosher Disney cruise to Paradise Island. Aboard the ship, the “Ohr Meir Cruzers” (as they are affectionately dubbed by the ship’s staff) enjoy Glatt Kosher meals and exclusive VIP treatment.
OHR Meir Cruisers
The Ohr Meir Foundation provides cancer patients in remission with a unique, four-day, kosher Disney cruise to Paradise Island. Aboard the ship, the “Ohr Meir Cruzers” (as they are affectionately dubbed by the ship’s staff) enjoy Glatt Kosher meals and exclusive VIP treatment.
OHR Meir Cruisers
The Ohr Meir Foundation provides cancer patients in remission with a unique, four-day, kosher Disney cruise to Paradise Island. Aboard the ship, the “Ohr Meir Cruzers” (as they are affectionately dubbed by the ship’s staff) enjoy Glatt Kosher meals and exclusive VIP treatment.
OHR Meir Cruisers
The Ohr Meir Foundation provides cancer patients in remission with a unique, four-day, kosher Disney cruise to Paradise Island. Aboard the ship, the “Ohr Meir Cruzers” (as they are affectionately dubbed by the ship’s staff) enjoy Glatt Kosher meals and exclusive VIP treatment.
OHR Meir Cruisers
The Ohr Meir Foundation provides cancer patients in remission with a unique, four-day, kosher Disney cruise to Paradise Island. Aboard the ship, the “Ohr Meir Cruzers” (as they are affectionately dubbed by the ship’s staff) enjoy Glatt Kosher meals and exclusive VIP treatment.


Packed with endless surprises, VIP treatment and unprecedented programming, over 50 children from across the United States and Canda are whisked away from their daily regimen of chemotherapy treatments and hospital stays for a four day magical trip.


Donations! Yeah!

Thank you for supporting Ohr Meir, we very much need your help to make our activities possible! We are a 100% volunteer operated organization. Nobody receives any compensation or percentages, there are no paid fundraisers. From the physicians, nurses to the cook, we’re all professionals, volunteering and dedicating our time to help these special children. Ohr Meir is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. (Federal Tax ID: 11-3211164). Please click the “Donate Now” button to donate using our secure credit card donation gateway:

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